Company <b>registration</b> in Kyrgyzstan

Company registration in Kyrgyzstan

We help to your business is developing


Law Business

10 +

years of experience

1200 +

open companies

200 +

cases per year

Why us?

Why us?

The “Law and Business” Law company specializes in providing of legal assistance on entrepreneurial activity issues.

Our team is highly qualified lawyers with extensive knowledge of national legislation, international private and public law.

We will help to effectively resolve any disputes related to business and economic activities. By entrusting us with the solution of legal issues, you will save yourself from routine work, save time and facilitate your workflow.

Why us?

Advantages of registering a business in Kyrgyzstan


Liberal taxation system

The level of the tax burden is lower than in other member states of the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union)

  • Income tax (corporate tax) – 10%
  • VAT (Value Added Tax) – 12%
  • Sales Tax (Sales Tax) -0-4%
  • Income tax (from individuals) – 10%

Favourable treatment for foreign investment

Investment visa for a period of 5 to 10 years with investments from 10 to 20 million soms (~ from 120,000 USD up to USD 240,000)


Fast growing economy

With an average GDP growth of 4.5% per year.
Membership in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)
Membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO)


The ability to legally conduct international business

Cooperate freely with foreign and international companies

Our services

Our company provides turnkey registration services for legal entities of all forms of ownership, including:

  • – limited liability company (LLC);
  • – joint-stock companies (JSC, CJSC);
  • – non-profit organizations: public foundations, public associations, etc.
  • – branches and representative offices of foreign organizations.
  • Providing a legal address
  • After registering a company, you can use the services of accounting and tax support of our partners “Consulting company “RELEVANCE”

Registration of legal entities

Legal services


Representation in court

HR records management

Stages of cooperation


We invite you to a meeting with a lawyer and tax consultant in our office


We invite you to a meeting with a lawyer and tax consultant in our office


We invite you to a meeting with a lawyer and tax consultant in our office


We invite you to a meeting with a lawyer and tax consultant in our office


We invite you to a meeting with a lawyer and tax consultant in our office


We are trusted:


Thanksgiving letters


st. Kalyk Akiev 95, BC "Atrium", 2nd floor, office No. 7

Do you have any questions?

Write to us!
