Registration of legal entities

Our company provides services on registration of legal entities of all forms of ownership in Kyrgyzstan, including:

  1. Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  2. Joint Stock Companies (OJSC, CJSC)
  3. Non-profit organizations (public foundations, public associations, etc.)
  4. Branches and representative offices of foreign organizations

Required data for company registration:

  1. Passport of the founder(s) or constituent documents of the legal entity (if the founder is a legal entity)
  2. Director’s passport
  3. Company name (check the availability of the name in the database of the Ministry of Justice)
  4. Authorized capital (from 100 soms and above)
  5. Legal address

Additional services:

Provision of legal address
Accounting and tax support after company registration

Cost of company registration


st. Fatyanov 43, 1st floor, office No. 101

Do you have any questions?

Write to us!
